April is National Move More Month

April is National Move More Month and April 3rd, 2024, is National Walking Day! Join Red Canyon Physical Therapy and the community as we move more this entire month of April.


National Move More Month was created by the American Heart Association (AHA) with the aim of improving the health of Americans and those all around us.


The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. We know this may sound difficult, but sessions can be broken up into shorter periods of time throughout the week.

Example: walking 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week would reach this goal.


Walking is a great way to implement physical activity and achieve the associated health benefits. Walking is simple enough that all ages and fitness levels can participate. Walking requires no special skill, equipment, or gym membership to perform.


Research shows that walking can:

  • Help you sleep better
  • Increase energy and endurance
  • Improve blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels in the blood
  • Supports health immune system and boosts metabolism
  • Improve overall mental and emotional well-being
  • Improve bone strength and prevent against the risk of osteoporosis
  • Prevent weight gain and maintain a healthy weight
  • Alleviate joint pain
  • Lower your risk of mortality


Add walking as a part of your daily routine and feel better. Every step counts so get up and move!


Physical Therapy for Reducing Fall Risk

Are you or a loved one afraid of falling? Has a doctor ever told you you’re at risk for falls? As we age, our fall risk tends to increase – up to one third of community dwelling people over 65 fall every year. Those under 65 with certain underlying medical conditions can also be at an increased risk of falling. Many people also experience fear and anxiety around the possibility of falling. But there’s good news too – Physical Therapy can help.

How would you know whether someone is at risk of falling? There are many factors which can increase one’s risk for falls, such as:

  • Advanced age
  • Deconditioning and weakness
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Neuromuscular conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis
  • Vestibular system dysfunction, such as Vertigo
  • Cognitive decline

There are 3 systems of balance your body employs. These systems all provide valuable information to your brain to help keep your body upright.

  • Vision
  • Proprioception – senses muscle tension, joint position, and the feeling you get through your feet
  • Vestibular system of your inner ear- senses motion of the head

By challenging each of these 3 systems of balance in a safe environment, Physical Therapy can improve overall balance to reduce fall risk in the community.

Research shows that general physical activity helps to reduce fall risk. A multifaceted exercise program has shown to be most effective, vs. only one type of training (ex – resistance training only). Physical Therapy typically employs several strategies to reduce fall risk.

Interventions for fall prevention may include…

  • Narrow base of support/Single leg training
  • Balance training on uneven surfaces
  • Dynamic balance training
  • Stair and curb training, obstacle navigation
  • Muscle strengthening
  • Functional activity training
  • Gait training
  • Assistive device training (cane, walker)
  • Fall prevention education and assessment of environment
  • Cardiovascular exercise or walking program

In summary, balance training as part of a well-rounded exercise regimen has been proven to reduce fall risk. Your physical therapist will guide you through testing designed to determine your fall risk level. Then, based on that information they will design a customized plan of care to help improve your balance. A home exercise program (HEP) is usually given to help maximize the benefits of therapy. These exercises can be done at home safely with the use of a sturdy countertop, table, or chair. Your therapist will also help educate you about how you can reduce your risk of falling, and help you regain confidence to go through your daily activities with less fear of falling.






Why A Reverse Shoulder Replacement?

Why did my surgeon recommend a reverse shoulder replacement?

Maybe you’re asking why, and the answer is simpler than you think.

Here are some possible reasons why your surgeon would recommend a reverse shoulder replacement over a normal shoulder replacement.


– torn rotator cuff that surgery can’t repair

– You had a previous shoulder replacement procedure that hasn’t resolved your issue(s)

-a complex fracture of the shoulder join

– d have chronic shoulder dislocation

– If you have a tumor of the shoulder joint


Your new shoulder pieces will fit together like your natural shoulder, with the ball in the socket. However, their positions are reversed. The metal ball is attached to your shoulder bone. The plastic socket cup goes on your upper arm bone, and shoulder muscles replace the rotator cuff to stabilize the joint.


When a surgeon performs a reverse total shoulder surgery, he/she is changing the leverage of your shoulder to allow muscles other than the rotator cuff to perform the actions.

You should have “normal” range of motion. There may be some loss of mobility mostly with internal rotation such as washing your back or putting on a bra behind your back.


Strength can be gained with time and Physical therapy but due to no longer using the rotator muscles, strength likely hood would be in the 50-75% range of your previous shoulder strength.


So to recap:

Some of the possible limitations for a reverse total shoulder are:

-Lack of reaching behind your back

-Restricting lifting over 25# overhead


While positives are:

Pain free motion

ability to bathe and dress

Rehabilitation could take about 4-8 months with Physical therapy and determination


Always ask questions when determining if a shoulder replacement is right for you like:

– Are there certain activities that you are currently able to perform that you are unwilling to give up?

– ask if there are specific activities that put you at higher risk of developing a complication such as fracture or dislocation.

– ask if there are specific activities that put you at higher risk of causing premature failure of the replacement?



  • www.umms.org
  • coloradosportsdoctor.com

3 Ideas to Improving Physical Health in 2024

2024 is here and individuals are always trying to make all types of New Year’s resolutions. Make your physical health a priority throughout 2024 by following these three activities highlighted below.


Stretching Routine

Make stretching a priority going into 2024. Performing stretches everyday has many effects to improve physical health. Stretching is beneficial to prevent injury, improve flexibility, and improve posture. Finding 5-6 stretches that you can perform throughout your day focusing on muscles you find tighter than others will give you the most benefit. Be sure to hold the stretches for 30-60 seconds and stop if you experience increased pain as you might do more harm than good. One easy way to make stretching a habit is to perform them once in the morning and before you go to bed.

New Sport or Hobby

Finding a new hobby or sport is a great way to stay active throughout 2024.It is important to find an activity that you are interested in and can keep up with. Whether it is pickleball, swimming, running, walking, hiking or other activities they are all great to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. Finding friends or family and setting goals are great ways to make it fun and  stay engaged.

Strengthening program

A good strengthening program is another way to stay active going into and throughout 2024. Strengthening has many health benefits like improving muscle and bone health and improving ability to perform daily activities. Body weight exercises and using items like a gallon jug or can of corn are great ways to start a strengthening program without breaking the bank on a gym membership or equipment. Finding a routine of 3-4 days a week with rest days in between will be important to see good benefits. Setting goals to progress weight, sets, and reps with exercises when they are easy will allow you to continue to improve strength over time.

Home Office Workstations: Are Standing Desks the Bees Knees or Bad Business?

Since COVID, many employees have chosen to work from home, leaving the cubical lifestyle in the past. This change has led to an increase in postural-related aches and pains due to poor home office ergonomics.

Physical therapy is a great way to manage these new physiological challenges in the workplace. One question physical therapists are often asked is, “What is the best home office set-up?”

Recently, sit-to-stand desks have been perceived as a great solution to posture-related pain due to the sedentary work environment. So the question is, “Are sit-to-stand desks really worth it?” The answer is not as easy as yes or no.

Standing desks have become increasingly common in office settings as the conversation about the health impacts of prolonged periods of sitting has ramped up. Studies have found that sitting for long periods can lead to higher mortality rates, obesity, postural abnormalities, and complications with circulation, regardless of personal physical activity level.

What we do know is in 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that standing desks reduced upper back and neck pain and improved overall mood vs sitting down. However, there is minimal research looking into the possible long-term risks of using a standing desk vs sitting for a workstation setup.

Whether you are sitting or standing, ask yourself: is my workstation set up correctly for my body?

You may be surprised to learn that it’s just as easy to increase your risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) while standing as it is while sitting if you’re not following proper ergonomic guidelines.

Reviewing the most common mistakes, physical therapists often must aid in simple adjustments to minimize musculoskeletal risk of injury or overloading. One such adjustment is addressing monitor height. The correct monitor height to reduce strain on the head and neck is to have the top of the monitor at the top of the forehead. This is important as you change from sitting to standing.

Additionally, one must provide support for your upper extremities (UEs) when standing or sitting to minimize the strain on the shoulder complex and cervical structures. No chair means no armrests. This can add to UE strain and poor posture over time. Proper mouse and keyboard height/alignment can also be overlooked when standing. Reaching outside of the recommended zone for extended periods can increase the risk of injury and increase your chances of pain and other negative side effects.

Now, reading all of this, you may assume the answer to the question is unequivocally “No, a standing desk is not better than a sitting desk.”

Well, you would be incorrect. It is recommended that anyone who sits longer than four hours a day should opt for a transitional desk to allow for intermittent change in position. However, this means when transitioning, you must follow correct guidelines for proper use.


Proper Guidelines for Standing Desk Setup

  • Back and neck straight, elbow around 90º
  • Wrist in a neutral position
  • Standing mat to reduce overall fatigue
  • a potentially a footrest to allow alternating offloading

Additionally, it is recommended that no position should be held for longer than 30-45 minutes at a time. Change is good for your body! Movement is even better, so as you take intermittent breaks, go for a little walk around your home, or even ger outside for some fresh air!

Maximizing your workstation setup will promote proper ergonomics and give you the best opportunity to work in a pain-free environment. Hopefully, this will give you an optimal environment to which you are excited to come back to every work day!


Maria Caccamise DPT, PT

Clinical Director

Knee Pain

Knee Pain Unveiled: Exploring the Root Causes


Knee pain can be a perplexing and persistent problem for many individuals. It’s a common issue, but what you might not know is that the source of knee pain can often be found outside the knee joint itself. Knee pain is not always a straightforward matter. It can originate from various factors that extend beyond the knee joint. To help you understand this complexity, we’ll dive into these factors and their connection to knee pain.


  1. Biomechanical Issues: Your knee is part of a larger kinetic chain that includes your hips and ankles. Problems in these neighboring joints, such as hip instability or ankle mobility deficits and misalignment, can lead to altered gait patterns and increased stress on the knee.


  1. Muscle Imbalances: The muscles around your knee play a crucial role in stability and function. Imbalances in strength or flexibility, particularly in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calf muscles, can cause knee pain.


  1. Overuse and Repetitive Stress: Activities like running, jumping, or squatting can strain the knee joint over time. The source of this overuse isn’t necessarily the knee itself – it could be related to improper technique or muscle imbalances elsewhere.


  1. Nerve Compression or Irritation: Nerve issues in the lower back or thigh regions can lead to radiating knee pain. Conditions like herniated discs or sciatic symptoms may be the real culprits behind your knee pain.


  1. Inflammatory and Systemic Conditions: Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, or gout can cause inflammation in multiple joints, including the knee.


  1. Referred Pain: Pain can be referred from one area to another. Hip or lower back problems may send pain signals to your knee, making it seem like the knee is the primary source.


  1. Environmental Factors: Factors like prolonged sitting, poor ergonomics, and inappropriate footwear can contribute to knee discomfort. These environmental issues need consideration in your treatment plan.


Treatment plans for knee pain can vary depending on the underlying causes, severity of the pain, and individual patient needs. A well-rounded approach to treatment often combines multiple strategies to address the specific factors contributing to knee pain. Here are some examples of treatment components that may be included in a comprehensive knee pain treatment plan:


  1. Therapeutic Exercises: Physical therapy is a cornerstone of knee pain treatment. Therapists design exercise programs to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and joint stability. Specific exercises may target the quadriceps, hamstrings, calf muscles, and hip muscles to minimize deficits to support the knee joint.


  1. Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques performed by physical therapists and assistants, such as joint mobilization and soft tissue manipulation, can help improve joint mobility and reduce pain.


  1. Biomechanical Assessments: Evaluating the patient’s gait and movement patterns can reveal any issues with posture, alignment, or movement that may contribute to knee pain. Custom orthotics or shoe recommendations may be provided to address these problems.


4.Pain Management: In some cases, pain management techniques may be necessary, such as the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or prescription medications to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation.


  1. Bracing or Taping: Depending on the nature of the knee pain, bracing or taping may be recommended to provide support, stability, and pain relief during physical activity.


  1. 6. Modalities: Physical therapists may use modalities like electrical stimulation, and/or hot/cold therapy to temporarily manage pain and inflammation.


  1. Education: Patients are educated in proper body mechanics, ergonomics, and activity modification to prevent further knee injury. This can include advice on posture, footwear, and exercise technique.


  1. Activity Modification: Patients may be advised to modify or temporarily avoid certain activities that exacerbate their knee pain.


  1. Home Exercise Programs: Physical therapists often provide patients with home exercise programs to continue their rehabilitation and maintain progress outside of clinic visits.


  1. Follow-up and Progress Monitoring: Regular follow-up appointments and progress assessments are crucial to adjusting the treatment plan as needed and ensuring the patient is achieving their goals.


Treatment plans are highly individualized, and the specific components and duration of treatment will vary based on the patient’s diagnosis and response to therapy. A collaborative approach involving the patient, physical therapist, and, if necessary, other healthcare professionals, is key to achieving the best outcomes in managing knee pain. Call Red Canyon Physical Therapy today to schedule your initial evaluation today!

ACL Injury

ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) Injury and Prevention

Each year, an estimated 300,000 individuals sustain a tear to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee joint.  The ACL is crucial in providing stability to the knee during sporting activities such as running, jumping, cutting and pivoting.  An ACL tear will result in loss of a full season, school time, and possibly a scholarship or entire sporting career.  Female athletes are 4-8 times at risk of an ACL injury compared to male athletes.

  • 50% of all ACL patients will suffer additional damage to the knee joint
  • 75% ACL patients will incur damage to the articular cartilage, leading to further arthritis
  • 20-30% of athletes will suffer a repeat ACL injury
  • Statistically, 76 out of 100,000 girls and 47 out of 100,000 boys aged 10 through 19 will suffer an ACL injury each year

Sportsmetrics and what it is:

Over 20 years ago, Dr. Frank Noyes and the researchers at the Noyes Knee Institute developed Sportsmetrics, a scientifically proven neuromuscular training program designed to build overall leg strength and improve balance, stability, and body mechanics during jump/land tasks.  Since the program was established, over 25 studies have been published proving the effectiveness of the Sportsmetrics program. Sportsmetrics was created by a team of athletic trainers, physical therapists and researchers, under the direction of Dr. Frank Noyes. Sportsmetrics™ is the foundation upon which sports-specific skills are built. Sportsmetrics™ is the first ACL injury prevention program scientifically proven to decrease serious knee ligament injuries in female athletes. Certified Sportsmetrics™ Specialists are trained to implement this original program with athletes of all ages.

How Much of a Difference Sportsmetrics Makes

  • 22% Decrease in peak landing forces after Sportsmetrics training (AJSM 1996) *high landing forces associated with lack of lower limb control on landing, high injury risk
  • 50% Decrease in knee adduction and abduction moments after training (AJSM 1996)
  • 26% Increase in ham-quad muscle peak torque ratio after training (AJSM 1996)
  • 44% Increase in hamstring muscle power after training (AJSM 1996)
  • 10% Increase in mean vertical jump height after training (AJSM 1996)
  • 88% Risk reduction after training (Arthro 2014)
  • 33% Increase in normalized knee separation distance in Sportsmetrics trained athletes (AJSM 2005)
  • 75% Decrease in abnormal limb symmetry (<85%) after Sportsmetrics (Sports 2015)

Components of Sportsmetrics:

  1. SMIA: Inspired by the recent vaping epidemic and increasing sedentary lifestyles, Sportsmetrics™ Introduction to Athletics (SMIA) was designed to help introduce people to the benefits of athletics.  The SMIA program is based off the original Sportsmetrics™ injury prevention program to expose people to the fundamentals of human movement and how athletics can help combat these epidemics. The goal of the SMIA program is to increase understanding and awareness of the body and the benefits of physical activity. SMIA will help foster long term habits for a movement-based lifestyle through goal setting. Physical activity has been shown to improve energy and attention as well as decreasing stress. Participating athletes will improve their self-confidence through a sense of accomplishment. The program will increase people’s mobility, muscular strength, and cardiovascular health. SMIA will help to shape attitudes and perceptions surrounding the accessibility of athletics and create an environment for attainable goal setting.


  1. Sportsmetrics Agility and Speed (SAS): Finding a solid conditioning program that promotes power, speed, and endurance for the upcoming season is top priority. If the same program can keep injury from plaguing an athlete’s season or career, that is certainly a bonus. So, we decided to offer such a program in our newest training option, SportsmetricsAgility and Speed (SAS). SAS offers athletes the same benefits of our original injury prevention program along with the added benefit of a complex conditioning program. Through SAS, athletes will increase their speed, agility, and endurance prior to the start of their sports season. Finally, injury prevention meets sports enhancement!


SAS incorporates the scientifically proven components of Sportsmetrics, including a dynamic warm-up, jump training, strength training, and flexibility. In addition to these components, we have added a series of vigorous speed and agility drills comprising of quick feet, sharp cuts, straight sprints, backpedaling and unpredicted agility.


With each drill, athletes concentrate on correct running form, body posture and proper technique associated with cutting, pivoting, and decelerating, all activities highly associated with ACL injuries.


The entire program should be performed in the athlete’s off or preparatory season, three days a week for six weeks. At the end of the six weeks, athletes should be physically ready to begin their season with a solid foundation of speed, agility, endurance, and strength. This is our most well-rounded training program yet.


  1. WIPP is a specially designed warm-up, incorporating the four components of Sportsmetrics™ for maximum efficiency and conditioning. It integrates the proven components of Sportsmetrics™ for 20 minutes of nonstop muscle and joint preparation, plyometrics, strength and flexibility. WIPP also includes agility drills that can facilitate a quick transition into practice activities.


The program is appropriate for use during training sessions for any sport that involves jumping, landing, cutting, or twisting. Using WIPP keeps athletes constantly moving and taking advantage of the limited time in practice for muscle preparation. WIPP prepares muscle groups and joints that are frequently injured: groin, hamstrings, low back, hip flexor and quads. An entire team can perform the WIPP program together.

Let Sportsmetrics™ WIPP your athletes into shape!


  1. Return to Play: Once the athlete’s readiness has been established by a therapist and Sports Injury Testing (SIT), the therapist or trainer instructs the athlete on proper form and technique in the clinic. The athlete then performs phase 1 of training at home three times per week for two weeks. The athlete then returns to the clinic for evaluation and instruction on the next phase of training, after which they perform phase 2 activities at home with the videos.


  1. The Sports Injury Test (SIT): Measures several important factors relating to an athlete’s strength, coordination, and body alignment. This compilation of tests compares the athlete’s performance to a large research database of over 800 female athletes. The database is used to understand factors which may predispose an athlete to injury. These tests also provide information that allows assessment of hip and core strength stabilization.

The testing may include:

  • History of Prior Injury and Sports Participation
  • Video Analysis of Jumping and Landing Mechanics
  • Functional Hop Tests
  • Vertec Vertical Jump Assessment
  • Hamstring Flexibility Assessment
  • Core Strength Assessment
  • Speed, Agility and Endurance Tests
  • Biodex Strength Assessment (when available)

Visit https://sportsmetrics.org/ or reach out to Red Canyon Physical Therapy for more information on ACL Injury Prevention.

The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy

The Mulligan Concept of Manual Therapy

Mulligan Concept
Concurrent application of sustained accessory mobilization applied by a therapist and an active
physiological movement to end range applied by the patient
How it is Applied
● NAGS- Natural Apophyseal Glides
● SNAGS – Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides
● MWMS- Mobilization with Movements
Mobilization with movement (MWM) is the concurrent application of sustained accessory
mobilization applied by a therapist and an active physiological movement to end range applied
by the patient. Passive end-of-range overpressure, or stretching, is then conveyed without pain as
a barrier
Pain reduction. Joint mobility. Increase in function
Patient Population
Patients with restricted motion caused by an orthopedic or joint issue, including arthritis,
post-spinal surgery pain, headaches and dizziness
Principles of Treatment
A passive accessory joint mobilization is applied following the principles of Kaltenborn.
Kaltenborn established the Convex-Concave Rule to allow ease in identifying the
direction of limitation and subsequently the direction that treatment is to be applied.
When a convex joint surface is moving, the roll and glide transpire in the opposite
During the assessment the therapist will identify one or more comparable signs as
described by Maitland. These signs may be; a loss of joint movement, pain associated
with movement, or pain associated with specific functional activities
The therapist must continuously monitor the patients reaction to ensure no pain is
reproduced. The therapist assesses various combinations of parallel or perpendicular
glides to find the correct treatment plane and grade of accessory movement
While sustaining the accessory glide, the patient is instructed to perform the comparable
sign. Something that can be reproduced/retested that often reflects the primary complaint.

Failure to improve the comparable sign would indicate that the therapist has not found the
correct treatment plane, grade of mobilization, spinal segment or that the technique is not
The previously restricted and/or painful motion or activity is repeated by the patient
while the therapist continues to maintain the appropriate accessory glide
Maitland vs Mulligan technique
Mulligan mobilization allows the patients to perform the offending movements in a functional
position. Maitland mobilization aims to reestablish the spinning, gliding and rolling motions of
two joints
Concept of ‘Positional Fault’
Mulligan proposed that injuries or sprains might result in a minor “positional fault” to a
joint causing restrictions in physiological movement
Development in techniques used to overcome joint `tracking’ problems or `positional
faults’ i.e. joints with subtle biomechanical changes

Mulligan, BR: Manual Therapy “NAGS,” “SNAGS,” “MWM’S: Etc., ed 4. Plane View
Press, Wellington, 1999
Exelby, Linda. “Peripheral mobilizations with movement.” Manual Therapy 1.3 (1996):
Kisner, Carolyn, and Lynn Allen Colby. Therapeutic exercise: foundations and
techniques. FA Davis, 2012
Manual therapy NAGS,SNAGS,MWMS,etc by Brian R.Mulligan, 5th edition, 2004.

The Power of Physical Therapy in Treating Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot, connecting the heel bone to the toes. This condition can be extremely debilitating, making it difficult to perform daily activities and adversely affecting quality of life. While there are several treatment options available, physical therapy has emerged as a highly effective and non-invasive approach for managing and overcoming plantar fasciitis. In this blog, we will explore the various benefits of physical therapy in treating this condition.

  1. Accurate Diagnosis: One of the primary advantages of seeking physical therapy for plantar fasciitis is the opportunity for an accurate diagnosis. Physical therapists are experts in musculoskeletal conditions and can perform a thorough evaluation to assess the underlying causes of your plantar fasciitis. They will consider factors such as foot mechanics, gait analysis, muscle imbalances, and flexibility issues to develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
  2. Pain Relief: Physical therapy offers various techniques and modalities to alleviate pain associated with plantar fasciitis. Therapeutic exercises, such as stretching and strengthening exercises, are crucial in reducing inflammation, improving blood flow, and promoting healing. Physical therapists may employ manual therapy techniques, such as massage, joint mobilization, and myofascial release, to target tight muscles and trigger points, further alleviating pain and discomfort.
  3. Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion: Plantar fasciitis can lead to reduced flexibility and restricted range of motion in the foot and ankle. Physical therapy includes specific stretching exercises to improve flexibility in the plantar fascia and the surrounding muscles, tendons, and ligaments. By gradually restoring range of motion, physical therapy helps to relieve tension, increase mobility, and prevent future injury.
  4. Strengthening and Stability: Weak muscles and poor biomechanics can contribute to the development and persistence of plantar fasciitis. Physical therapists devise individualized strengthening programs to address these issues. They focus on strengthening the muscles of the foot, ankle, and lower leg, aiming to improve overall stability and support the plantar fascia. Strengthening exercises not only aid in the recovery process but also help prevent future occurrences of plantar fasciitis.
  5. Correcting Biomechanical Issues: Abnormal foot mechanics and faulty gait patterns can put undue stress on the plantar fascia, exacerbating the condition. Physical therapy can identify and address these biomechanical issues through gait analysis and foot posture assessment. By implementing corrective techniques, such as orthotics, taping, and shoe recommendations, physical therapists can provide long-term relief and prevent recurrent plantar fasciitis.
  6. Education and Self-Management: Physical therapy empowers individuals with the knowledge and tools to actively participate in their own recovery. Physical therapists educate patients on proper footwear choices, activity modification, and home exercise programs. They also provide guidance on self-management strategies, such as ice and heat therapy, use of night splints, and pain management techniques. By understanding how to manage their condition effectively, patients can continue their progress even after completing their physical therapy sessions.

Plantar fasciitis can be a persistent and debilitating condition, but physical therapy offers a comprehensive and effective approach to its treatment. From accurate diagnosis and pain relief to improved flexibility, strengthening, and correcting biomechanical issues, physical therapy provides a holistic solution that targets the root causes of plantar fasciitis. If you are struggling with this condition, consider consulting a physical therapist to help you regain your foot health, reduce pain, and improve your overall quality of life. Remember, taking early action can lead to a quicker recovery and a faster return to an active lifestyle.


Prehabilitation or (pre-hab) is defined as “a process of improving the functional capability of a patient prior to a surgical procedure so the patient can withstand any postoperative inactivity and associated decline.” In terms of outcomes, studies have shown that patients who are to undergo knee and hip replacements and perform 6-weeks of land and water-based PT decreased their odds of needing in-patient rehab by up to 73%. This basically demonstrates the stronger and more flexible you go into the procedure, the better and quicker outcomes you’ll have afterwards. Some exercises that will be beneficial prior to a knee or hip replacement would be lower extremity stretching, glute and quad strengthening, as well as cycling for continuous non weight bearing motion. Ask your physical therapist for prescribed therapeutic exercises to create a mobility and strengthening program to perform prior  to your upcoming procedure.



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