Physical Therapy and Constipation

Physical Therapy and Constipation


Did you know physical therapy can help with Constipation?


It can! Constipation is defined as infrequent, irregular, or difficult evacuation of bowels. Pelvic floor training, manual therapy and biofeedback can help with your constipation.


Exercises that will assist with defecation:


  • Deep squat: Stand with hips shoulder width apart and squat down to the ground to help relax the pelvic floor muscles.
  • Pelvic Tilts: Laying on your back, draw your belly button in and flatten your back to the mat/bed. Hold position for 5 seconds.
  • Diaphragmatic breathing
  •  Double knee to Chest – laying on your back bring both knees into your chest and hold for 30 seconds.


“ILU” Massage will help stimulate bowel movements. It is performed in circular movements in forms of letters I, L and U,  along the colon and small intestine.

  •  Circular abdominal massage movements are performed in the form of letters I, L, U, and O towards the bowel movements of colon and small intestine.

“Squatty Potty” or a foot step stool, will help with proper positioning on the toilet to encourage bowel movements. When on the toilet, prop up your feet on  a step stool right in front of the toilet.

Of course, drinking the proper amount of water, and proper diet are also essential parts of the puzzle to battling constipation.